
Do feet count as hands?

In a song by Dog Eat Dog they say, tucked away almost at the end:

"Leftism - we don't need it here"

I see two options:

1. If you're are bothered by the fact that people are permitted the accumulation of ridiculously gargantuan amounts of power that allow them to walk as kings, if not gods, among men, you're a "leftist".

2. If you're not bothered by it, you're a "rightist."

Now: If you don't like bosses, hierarchies, authority, centralization or whatever you want to call it, you're an anarchist (hint: look at point 1... yes, that's right, either you're a "leftist" or a "fakeist" - to use Dog Eat Dog's own words).

Outside TV-ality, is there a third option?

Will the real "no-isms!" please stand-up! Please stand-up! Please stand-up!


The pyramid is not upside down

The pyramid is not upside down.

The cake, at the top of the pyramid, is not the lie.

Daily Show
The cake at the top of the pyramid is not the lie

The pyramid, along with the cake, is a mirage for thirsty desert dwellers living in TV-ality.


USA's new trends in the bedroom

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you a breaking news story!

Recent polling of USA's bedroom activities reveals the following:

What's out? Bush and Backstage-Dick.

What's in? Bedroom role-play.

Number one fantasy: Pretending that you are being saved from the villains by a knight in shining armor.

But you can take ideas for role-play scenarios from almost anything, as long as you keep it clean and delusional.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled program.


«You can get away with murder!» - Teaser Trailer

«You can't get away with murder!», I keep hearing.

But what I keep seeing is: sure you can.

Just remember that the golden rule in avoiding «time for the crime» is: don't brag about it.

Because writing a «How to "get away with murder" for dummies» is a really dumb thing to do when you've done such good job of covering your tracks for more than 10 years.

Not even in TV-ality that one flies; it usually backfires soon thereafter.

Not soon enough in my opinion, but hey, that may be the "hermit" talking.

How is this relevant? Stay tuned for the full feature film «You can get away with murder!».


So proud...

So proud of your acceptance of a different Messiah...

Change only you can believe in!

Maybe you can believe things have changed.

But, I, like Saint Thomas, have to see it to believe it...

And so far I've seen no change that doesn't occur every 4 to 8 years or so.

What is that? You accepted a half-breed as your Lord and Savior for the first time in history? From slaves to Masters in such a short time... We're all so proud of you...

Because, by the pride you show, you must be the first to embrace a messiah that is different from most of you...

By the way, here's a little something the hermit next-hole had coming out of his cave that might interest you. What's his name? Eliashel? I think that's it... I may have misspelled it, I've never seen it written...


Hasta la vista, Baby Bush!

Bush's Last Mouth Diarrhea with the "Press"

"In the Messiah we trust!"

How long will that trust last? How long will it take for people to realize he's not the True Messiah?

Not long, but long enough, is what my gut tells me... my gut and my memory.

Colbert interviews UCLA's Anthony Romero
Guantanamo Concentration Camp and the Messiah


Every time a Master claps their hands...

Every time a Master claps their hands an orphan slave drops to their knees.

Just like the illusion given to some by contraception that "there's no possible way I'm going to get pregnant", the illusion of an elected government allows the Masters to make the slaves drop to their knees and be properly shafted without the dangers of the slaves conceiving and subsequently sue for child support - in this case, conceiving that the children they will in fact bear to term will too be slaves, never free, with Masters even worse than theirs.

It is somewhat like the same illusion of safety given by the family planner which allows the Masters to clap their hands and have their proxies go across the border or half way across the world and properly shaft the local slaves - and/or their whole families, who too are slaves - without any danger of getting a burning sensation from the dirty, dirty slaves.

And even when the family planner doesn't agree with the contraception method chosen, no problem, that's what the Masters' endless supply of emergency contraceptive pills is for, and the blastocyst never reaches implantation, and again no risk of child support suits.

But, as fail-safe contraception is an illusion, some of those children do get born. That's why there are a lot of little slave children around, living in squalor, who don't know who their father is.

No wonder then that they grow up and start shouting at the top of their lungs: "WHO WAS THE MASTER THAT MADE ME AN ORPHAN WITHOUT HAVING TO DIE?". The slaves that know who their parents are, feel a little less orphaned. TV-ality is their reality and all that shouting confuses them. So they seek the Masters for a comforting explanation.

The Masters then explain the real cause: "The orphans' excuse to shout is just to cover up the fact that they envy us. They too would like to be like us one day. That envy is so strong that they get headaches so pounding that they become angry and start shouting for no better reason."

"What could we do to stop the shouting." - asks a Master's dear slave.

Thus the Masters present a final or, at least, a long lasting solution: "These orphans' heads are not working the right way. Lobotomy is the answer to cure these orphans of their headaches. Let's do the right thing and cure them."

And then, when the next generation of Masters and slaves comes, all becomes a-new, for the Masters are very «forgetful» and the slaves have been lobotomized.

Quoting King Mufasa: "And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life [...] You must take your place in the Circle of Life." *

(*) Which holds true in TV-ality.


The Messiah is dead! Long live the Messiah!

The messiah of the hour was miraculously conceived: Fathered by an Invisible Hand that's been (finger-)screwing around all over the world, he was the virgin birth from the womb of an idiot who rose to be the most powerful human on the planet - by means so mysterious that some have claimed were miraculous themselves.

(Most powerful human if we only take into account TV-ality*, that is.)

(*) TV-ality (starts with TV and rhymes with "reality"): The reality available to us through mass media. If it is the only source from which someone gets their knowledge, it would be what that person calls "reality".